The Wedding Shoes White Collection  

Sunday, May 16, 2010

wedding shoes

bridal shoes

ivory wedding shoes

”So have you chosen your shoes yet?” My bridesmaid asked me this morning. I stared at her with a blank look and she instantly knew that I was putting this subject off till the last minute. “You cannot possibly delay this till the eleventh hour, Lara!” She chided me and plonked down a dozen or so bridal magazines under my nose and begged me to choose a style that I like.

Honestly shoes aren’t really my expertise. I am not very modelesque and would want to wear stilettos to my wedding but I was afraid to admit that I am also a clumsy person by nature. I don’t want to trip over my train or veil or anything else that stood in between me and my groom on the way to the altar. If it happened before on a live broadcast of Miss Universe (trust me it did!) then it will be bad if it happened to me on my wedding day!

After perusing the magazines together, I have compiled a little list of what I want my wedding shoes to be:

1. Heel size
I finally decided against fancy stilettos. Yes I look good standing up tall but I won’t be if I were to fall flat on my face. During the rare times that I actually wore stilettos, I admit that comfort was not prioritized and as a result my heels and toes hurt like hell! So the verdict is I’ll be choosing my wedding shoes with kitten heels.

2. Toe style
Wow I didn’t know this is an important aspect, thanks Julie (that’s my bridesmaid). I definitely want an open-toed style to show off my beautiful pedicure. =)

3. Shoe fabric
When it comes to fabric, I’m going to be spoilt for choice! There are so many types of fabric that I find it hard to choose just one. I’m actually leaning towards silk because it’s oh so soft and luxurious! There are other choices too: satin, velvet and lace (lots of brides favor lace because it complements their gowns perfectly!) but I don’t really like the latter because it’d be difficult to pair it with an outfit should I want to wear it again. OR I could go with a totally contrasting, eye catching look and wear leather shoes! He he.

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